The ComKids program was launched in Toronto in 1998 as a response to the growing digital divide which was limiting the ability of deserving youth to keep up with their peers in school. The program promotes access, equity and opportunity for deserving youth.
ComKids is a community-based intervention with a proven track record of effectively supporting youth to become technologically proficient, improve academic outcomes, build confidence, make better life choices and build their communities.
ComKids connects communities with experts in the fields of technology, policing and education. The program partners with school boards and police organizations as well as corporations benefiting from extensive in-kind support. Programming is oriented to students in grade 7 (12 years of age) with continuing support lasting until they graduate high school.
A new laptop computer is provided to students entering the program. The laptop is earned based on program participation throughout the school year. It is meant to assist students in completing research and school assignments, nurture creativity and support students in social interaction among their peers using social media and other applications.