Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

The ComKids Way

We aim to provide youth with limitless and infinite potential through technology, digital literacy, and life tools.

The Need

Don Tapscott coined the phrase “digital divide” in his 1997 book “Growing Up Digital”. He wrote of the danger that we would “create a world of haves and have-nots, knowers and know-nots, doers and do-nots, people who can communicate with the rest of the world and those who can’t. This is called creating a structural underclass, and it creates wounds in society that will be hard to heal.”

Most commonly a digital divide stems from poverty and the economic barriers that limit resources and prevent people from obtaining or otherwise using newer technologies.

However, research shows that the digital divide is more than just an access issue and cannot be alleviated merely by providing the necessary equipment.

There are at least three factors involved:

  • information accessibility
  • information utilization
  • information receptiveness.

Beyond accessibility, individuals need to know how to make use of the information and communication tools once they exist within a community.

Our Unique Solution

The ComKids program was launched in Toronto in 1998 as a response to the growing digital divide which was limiting the ability of deserving youth to keep up with their peers in school. The program promotes access, equity and opportunity for deserving youth.

ComKids is a community-based intervention with a proven track record of effectively supporting youth to become technologically proficient, improve academic outcomes, build confidence, make better life choices and build their communities.

ComKids connects communities with experts in the fields of technology, policing and education. The program partners with school boards and police organizations as well as corporations benefiting from extensive in-kind support. Programming is oriented to students in grade 7 (12 years of age) with continuing support lasting until they graduate high school.

A new laptop computer is provided to students entering the program. The laptop is earned based on program participation throughout the school year. It is meant to assist students in completing research and school assignments, nurture creativity and support students in social interaction among their peers using social media and other applications.

Our Goals

Our Vision

Inspiring students with technology and digital skills to unlock their full potential.

Our Mission

ComKids aims to close the digital divide and ensure that all young people have an equal opportunity to thrive in their studies and lives. Driving youth potential and success through digital literacy workshops and providing new equipment.

Our Program

The ComKids programs offers students new devices and digital literacy learning opportunities that focus on the importance of creating and maintaining a positive online reputation, learning how to verify and source information online and fundamental computer skills

Skills Gained from the Program

Through the ComKids Program, youth gain:
  • Increased proficiency skills
  • Improved knowledge of digital safety
  • Increased motivation to participate and learn
  • Increased belief in own abilities and potential
  • Unlocking Potential

    Computers and digital literacy are essential to the success of today’s youth, yet we continue to see students with academic potential who do not have the same access to home technology as their peers.

    That’s why the ComKids program was established in 1998 to level the playing field for students by providing technology in the form of laptop computers and support in the form of educator mentorship so they have the means to succeed.

    The ComKids program promotes student success in an advancing world, with a focus on shaping young leaders by encouraging community engagement, improving their digital skills, and building confidence